After Running Over 28,650 Ad Variations and Over $7,125,543 in Ad Spend... We’re Revealing the Shocking Process...

After Running Over 28,650 Ad Variations and Over $7,125,543 in Ad Spend... We’re Revealing the Shocking Process...

Would You Like Us to

Write Your Ads, Setup Your Campaigns and Launch Them With You...

Guaranteed To Bring You Leads and Sales in the Next 21 Days*?

Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Note: This is a single one time payment. There are no other hidden fees or charges.

Here’s Exactly What

You’re Getting...

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

Over $2,000 Worth of Training

Some of the things you will discover:

Who These Ads Work For:

  • Coaches

  • Authors

  • Social Media

  • ​Software

  • ​​Physical Products

  • ​Restaurant Owners

  • ​Affiliate Marketing

  • ​Health

  • ​Financial

  • ​Musicians

  • ​Cooking

  • ​​Astrology

  • ​​​Chiropractors

  • ​​​​Supplements

  • ​​​​​Attorneys

  • ​Make Up

  • Personal Development

  • Healing

  • Gym Owners

  • ​Beauty

  • ​Agencies

  • Network Marketing

  • Seminars

  • ​Consultants

  • Coaches

  • Authors

  • Social Media

  • ​Software

  • ​​Physical Products

  • ​Restaurant Owners

  • ​Affiliate Marketing

  • ​Health

  • ​Financial

  • ​Musicians

  • ​Cooking

  • ​​Astrology

  • ​​​Chiropractors

  • ​​​​Supplements

  • ​​​​​Attorneys

  • ​Make Up

  • Personal Development

  • Healing

  • Gym Owners

  • ​Beauty

  • ​Agencies

  • Network Marketing

  • Seminars

  • ​Consultants

“Don’t Just Take Our Word For It...

See What Clients, Partners and Students Say About Us...”

Watch How Sterling Griffin Generated a $400k Weekend After Working With Us and Utilising Our System

Watch How Alison Prince Went From Zero to $1.4MM in 6 Months...

Hannes Generating His First $64,000 Month In The Property Investing Niche

Michelle Generating Her First $10,154 Month In Brush Caligraphy Niche

Nicholas Generating $50,000 in 3.5 Weeks Serving Real Estate Agents

And We Have Hundreds More Of Testimonials Like This...

Eileen Wilder Went From Doing her First Event That Did $92k (with only 14 people...)

... To Speaking At One of The Biggest Stages at Funnel Hacking LIVE Last Year...

Why Top Influencers like Julius Dean Work With Us to Scale and Monetise…

"After training with Peng Joon, I have learned how to monetise my brand, I have greater clarity on what direction I'm heading, and my business has been transformed and multiplied because of Peng Joon."

- Julius Dein

How Tian Yi Scaled to Nearly $2MM in the First Year Working with Us…

“As a direct learning results learning with Peng Joon, I actually created my own online training program, The Iron Mastery and the results was overwhelming! Take it from me, he will definitely change your life.”

- Jordan Yeoh

“I know, I know...

You’re Thinking How Much!?!”

Hold your horses… lol

Keep in mind I’m giving you the SAME EXACT THING our $10,000/mth Enterprise Clients get...

  • 1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

  • Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

  • World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

  • 4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

  • Over $2,000 Worth of Training 

Total value for us to write, launch and execute a winning ad campaign With you:


Up until this point, the only way to get access to my team and I to create these ads and...

Launch them with you was part of a $10,000/mth enterprise offer.

BUT... I'm going to let you have a private deal (which is outrageous considering how much just ONE winning campaign can be worth to you). 

Up until this point, the only way to get access to my team and I to create these ads and...

Launch them with you was part of a $10,000/mth enterprise offer.

BUT... I'm going to let you have a private deal (which is outrageous considering how much just ONE winning campaign can be worth to you). 

I’m going to let you have access to the entire investment, easily worth the $16,758, for just ONE payment of ONLY $69!

I’m going to let you have access to the entire investment, easily worth the $16,758, for just ONE payment of ONLY $69!

Holy CRAP, right??!!

It’s Pretty Much 98% Off...

Imagine getting an entire agency experience where

  • World-class copywriters write your ads for you...

  • World-class designers create the ad images for you...

  • World-class media buyers set up your ad campaign and launch with you...

And then after all of that work is done with you...

You get an entire month of coaching to show you how to manage and scale your new ad campaign...

It’s Pretty Much 98% Off...

Imagine getting an entire agency experience where

  • World-class copywriters write your ads for you...

  • World-class designers create the ad images for you...

  • World-class media buyers set up your ad campaign and launch with you...

And then after all of that work is done with you...

You get an entire month of coaching to show you how to manage and scale your new ad campaign...

You might be thinking:

"Why Do I Need You To Do This? Can't I Just Use AI / ChatGPT To Do This?"

Well, the answer is both yes and no. AI is an incredible tool that can revolutionize the way you approach advertising. In fact, we use it too! While AI is great for generating ideas, copy, and images, there are some things it just can't do.

For example, it can't magically turn a losing campaign into a winning one. It can't analyze your targeting, optimize your landing pages, or provide feedback on the effectiveness of your offer. And it certainly can't help you figure out how to scale your campaigns for even greater success.

That's where the other components

of this offer comes in.

The training, coaching, customized

feedback and 1:1 call.

We don't just "give you the fish",

we teach you how to fish too.

Here’s Everything You Get When You Get Started Today!

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

$997 Value

Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

$597 Value

World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

$1,497 Value

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

$5,000 Value

Omnipresence Masterclass

You’ll get 6 Phase Immersive Training with me, walking you through my complete Omnipresence Machine curriculum to build out marketing assets that will fuel your marketing forever, step by step.

$3,997 Value

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

For every class, you’ll get the templates, scripts, and checklists to help you follow along so you can take action and implement.

$1,997 Value

YouTube Ads Script

  • Why YouTube Ads Are The Better Choice To Crush The Long Term Ad Game

  • The ONE Simple Way To Make Audiences Watch Your YouTube Ads Till The End

  • The PROVEN YouTube Ads Framework

$297 Value

Hands Off Ads

  • How To Streamline And Automate Your Ad Creation Process


  • The 17 Proven Hooks And Angles You Can Utilize In All Your Ads

$297 Value

TikTok Ads

  • The Benefits Of Utilizing TikTok Ads And Why You Should Get Started On It

  • The Simple And Direct Techniques Of Setting Up Your Own TikTok Ads Manager 

  • Shooting Your First TikTok Ad And These Game-Changing Techniques To Stand Out From Your Marketplace

  • These 3 Pattern-Interrupts You Need To Get Your Audience Watching Your TikTok Videos Till The Very End

  • How To Set Your Ad Up For Success On TikTok By Leveraging On These Proven Tips

$297 Value

Ad Creation System & Processes

  • Discover Proven Methods to Streamline and Automate Your Ad Delivery, While Keeping Your Sanity and Restful Nights Intact

  • Hook Your Audience Till the End with This Shockingly Simple Way to Build Up Your Ads

  • Ditch Your Old and Overcomplicated Ad Frameworks and Stick to This ONE Framework You Will Ever Need to Start Scaling

  • Use Your Audience's Struggles to Your Advantage and Get Them Investing in Your Offer with These Powerful Ad Techniques

  • Deploy Winning Ads with Confidence by Copying These Proven Techniques

$297 Value

Voice-Over Ads

  • Discover the Proven Steps to Unlocking the Power of Your Voice-Over Ads

  • The Winning Formula for Crafting Compelling Voice-Over Ads: The Essential Skills, Execution Strategies, and System to Drive Maximum Engagement and Conversions

  • Unlock the Million-Dollar Voice-Over Ad Script That Does The Heavy Lifting For You

$297 Value

The 59-Second Ads Framework

  • Discover the Secret Technique for Mastering Effective Ads - Learn How You Can Apply it Too

  • Fill in the Blanks and Watch Your Script Write Itself with this Proven Ad Formula and Big Picture

  • Hook Your Audience and Keep Them Listening Until the End with This Simple Method

  • Entertain and Engage Your Audiences with the "True or False" Method - No More Dry or Boring Ads

  • Build Rapport with Your Audiences Using These Proven Ad Angles - Share Your Story, Change Lives, and Make a Difference

$297 Value

A 60 Sec Ad Infomercial Framework

  • Unleash the Power of Proven Ad Copy Scripts to Skyrocket Your Conversion Rates

  • The Fast and Foolproof Ad Template to Make Your Campaigns Run Like a Dream

  • How to Find and Reach Your Perfect Audience for Explosive Sales Growth

  • From Features to Benefits: The Secret Technique to Make Your Product Irresistible to Your Customers

  • The Killer Call-to-Action Formula That Will Leave Your Competitors in the Dust

$297 Value

Ads Using The Disruption Hooks

  • From "Mad Men" to Mobile: How Marketing Campaigns Have Evolved Over the Years

  • Don't Get Left Behind: How Adapting to New Marketing Techniques Can Boost Your Conversion Rate

  • Shake Things Up: Educating Your Audience in a Refreshing New Way Can Make All the Difference

  • User-Friendly or Bust: How Establishing a Clear Proposition Can Help You Reel in More Leads

$297 Value

Creating Great Hooks

  • Discover the Elements that Make a Great Opening Hook and Captivate Your Audience From the Start.

  • Uncover the Weak Opens that are Best Avoided in your Next Content Creation and Learn How to Create a Strong and Engaging Start.

  • Explore 7 Types of Hooks that Can Help You Create a Good and Exciting Open and Leave a Lasting Impression on Your Readers.

$297 Value

366 Social Media Post Ideas Planned For You

Applicable for any niche, so that all you need to do is to model, copy and fill in the blanks. Never have the thought of “what should I post today?” ever again.

$497 Value

My Social Media Checklist, Process Map & Strategy

Get the same checklists and tools that my team and I use to schedule, streamline and manage my social media calendar 24/7.

$15,000 Value

Trello Boards Done For You

One of the greatest ways to implement and still have your sanity is to have a PROCESS for it.

$10,000 Value

Total Value: $16,758

get started Today For Just…

$997 $69

Note: This is a single one time payment. There are no other hidden fees or charges.

Here’s Everything You Get When You Get Started Today!

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

$997 Value

Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

$597 Value

World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

$1,497 Value

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

$5,000 Value

Omnipresence Masterclass

You’ll get 6 Phase Immersive Training with me, walking you through my complete Omnipresence Machine curriculum to build out marketing assets that will fuel your marketing forever, step by step.

$3,997 Value

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

For every class, you’ll get the templates, scripts, and checklists to help you follow along so you can take action and implement.

$1,997 Value

YouTube Ads Script

  • Why YouTube Ads Are The Better Choice To Crush The Long Term Ad Game

  • The ONE Simple Way To Make Audiences Watch Your YouTube Ads Till The End

  • The PROVEN YouTube Ads Framework

$297 Value

Hands Off Ads

  • How To Streamline And Automate Your Ad Creation Process 

  • The 17 Proven Hooks And Angles You Can Utilize In All Your Ads

$297 Value

TikTok Ads

  • The Benefits Of Utilizing TikTok Ads And Why You Should Get Started On It

  • The Simple And Direct Techniques Of Setting Up Your Own TikTok Ads Manager


  • Shooting Your First TikTok Ad And These Game-Changing Techniques To Stand Out From Your Marketplace

  • These 3 Pattern-Interrupts You Need To Get Your Audience Watching Your TikTok Videos Till The Very End

  • How To Set Your Ad Up For Success On TikTok By Leveraging On These Proven Tips

$297 Value

Ad Creation System & Processes

  • Discover Proven Methods to Streamline and Automate Your Ad Delivery, While Keeping Your Sanity and Restful Nights Intact

  • Hook Your Audience Till the End with This Shockingly Simple Way to Build Up Your Ads

  • Ditch Your Old and Overcomplicated Ad Frameworks and Stick to This ONE Framework You Will Ever Need to Start Scaling

  • Use Your Audience's Struggles to Your Advantage and Get Them Investing in Your Offer with These Powerful Ad Techniques

  • Deploy Winning Ads with Confidence by Copying These Proven Techniques

$297 Value

Voice-Over Ads

  • Discover the Proven Steps to Unlocking the Power of Your Voice-Over Ads

  • The Winning Formula for Crafting Compelling Voice-Over Ads: The Essential Skills, Execution Strategies, and System to Drive Maximum Engagement and Conversions

  • Unlock the Million-Dollar Voice-Over Ad Script That Does The Heavy Lifting For You

$297 Value

The 59-Second Ads Framework

  • Discover the Secret Technique for Mastering Effective Ads - Learn How You Can Apply it Too

  • Fill in the Blanks and Watch Your Script Write Itself with this Proven Ad Formula and Big Picture

  • Hook Your Audience and Keep Them Listening Until the End with This Simple Method

  • Entertain and Engage Your Audiences with the "True or False" Method - No More Dry or Boring Ads

  • Build Rapport with Your Audiences Using These Proven Ad Angles - Share Your Story, Change Lives, and Make a Difference

$297 Value

A 60 Sec Ad Infomercial Framework

  • Unleash the Power of Proven Ad Copy Scripts to Skyrocket Your Conversion Rates

  • The Fast and Foolproof Ad Template to Make Your Campaigns Run Like a Dream

  • How to Find and Reach Your Perfect Audience for Explosive Sales Growth

  • From Features to Benefits: The Secret Technique to Make Your Product Irresistible to Your Customers

  • The Killer Call-to-Action Formula That Will Leave Your Competitors in the Dust

$297 Value

Ads Using The Disruption Hooks

  • From "Mad Men" to Mobile: How Marketing Campaigns Have Evolved Over the Years

  • Don't Get Left Behind: How Adapting to New Marketing Techniques Can Boost Your Conversion Rate

  • Shake Things Up: Educating Your Audience in a Refreshing New Way Can Make All the Difference

  • User-Friendly or Bust: How Establishing a Clear Proposition Can Help You Reel in More Leads

$297 Value

Creating Great Hooks

  • Discover the Elements that Make a Great Opening Hook and Captivate Your Audience From the Start.

  • Uncover the Weak Opens that are Best Avoided in your Next Content Creation and Learn How to Create a Strong and Engaging Start.

  • Explore 7 Types of Hooks that Can Help You Create a Good and Exciting Open and Leave a Lasting Impression on Your Readers.

$297 Value

366 Social Media Post Ideas Planned For You

Applicable for any niche, so that all you need to do is to model, copy and fill in the blanks. Never have the thought of “what should I post today?” ever again.

$497 Value

My Social Media Checklist, Process Map & Strategy

Get the same checklists and tools that my team and I use to schedule, streamline and manage my social media calendar 24/7.

$15,000 Value

Trello Boards Done For You

One of the greatest ways to implement and still have your sanity is to have a PROCESS for it.

$10,000 Value

Total Value: $16,758

get started Today For Just…

$997 $69

Note: This is a single one time payment. There are no other hidden fees or charges.

If You Did This On Your Own... You'd Have To:

  • Buy Facebook Courses ($497 to $4,997+) - You'll have to sift through to find a decent one, many which are just rehashed products based on watered down theory, where they never really run ads themselves...

  • Hire a Copywriter & Designer ($5,000+, If Available) - The really good ones are never really hirable, because if they had some kind of great offer, they’d usually just do it themselves...

  • Try Not To Get Ripped Off By An 'Agency' ($10,000+, Probably Will Go Through 3 - 4) - It took me 10 years and millions of dollars to find a strategy and process that actually produces results. Anybody claims to run ads, but we've actually proven it... and you get to use our same exact system and resources to get your campaign done!

  • Taking Weeks Or Months To Roll Out Your Ad Campaign (Not Easy) - You could toss together some images and test your offer to expensive traffic, hundreds of times over... or simply leverage our process to have the biggest asset to your business finally done!

  • Unwanted Surprises & Expenses ($15,000+, Probably More) - You already know doing this alone is daunting, but the stress and trouble you'll undoubtedly face is the worst part... DON'T do this alone!

Why Would You Write The Ads, Coach Me For An Entire Month and Launch the Campaign With Me For Just $69?

What's the catch...?

I get it. The offer is insane. In full transparency, I want to make “an offer that you can’t refuse”, in fact, it’s something I teach. I call it a Godfather Offer.

The catch is... I know that if I’m able to demonstrate that I can help you by ACTUALLY helping you upfront, the odds of you coming back for more in future is going to be significantly higher.

“Why Industry Legends of Our Time Trust Peng Joon’s Model to Take Their Business to New Levels of Success...”

Russell Brunson

“If You’re Doing Events, Books and Traffic You Have to Work with Peng Joon and His Team”...

Russell Brunson

“If You’re Doing Events, Books and Traffic You Have to Work with Peng Joon and His Team”...

Myron Golden

“My Mind Is Blown... I’ve Done Millions of Dollars from the Stage and I’m So Glad I Attended This Training. It’s Worth Your Time, Your Focus, and Your Energy”...

Robert Kiyosaki

“I’ve met many fake teachers in my career. Peng Joon is the real deal.”

Robert Kiyosaki

“I’ve met many fake teachers in my career. Peng Joon is the real deal.”

“You Do NOT Need to Be an Industry Legend to Get Legendary Results…”

Sudha Generating Her First $3,988 Targeting Professional Make Up Artists

Ernie Crushing It In the eCom Space in the Mandarin Speaking Market

Esther Generating $3k from Her Relationship Niche

Daniel Closing RM71,973 ($18,000) with No Ad Spend

The Same People That Got These Incredible Results From These Ad Campaigns Will Be Working On YOUR Campaigns

Here’s Everything You Get When You Get Started Today!

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

$997 Value

Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

$597 Value

World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

$1,497 Value

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

$5,000 Value

Omnipresence Masterclass

$3,997 Value

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

$1,997 Value

YouTube Ads Script

$297 Value

Hands Off Ads

$297 Value

TikTok Ads

$297 Value

Ad Creation System & Processes

$297 Value

Voice-Over Ads

$297 Value

The 59-Second Ads Framework

$1,997 Value

A 60 Sec Ad Infomercial Framework

$297 Value

Ads Using The Disruption Hooks

$297 Value

Creating Great Hooks

$297 Value

Total Value: $16,758

Get Started Today For Just...

$997 $69

Note: This is a single one time payment. There are no other hidden fees or charges.

366 Social Media Post Ideas Planned For You

Applicable for any niche, so that all you need to do is to model, copy and fill in the blanks. Never have the thought of “what should I post today?” ever again.

$497 Value

My Social Media Checklist, Process Map & Strategy

Get the same checklists and tools that my team and I use to schedule, streamline and manage my social media calendar 24/7.

$15,000 Value

Trello Boards Done For You

One of the greatest ways to implement and still have your sanity is to have a PROCESS for it.

$10,000 Value

Here’s Everything You Get When You Get Started Today!

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

$997 Value

Scroll Stopping Designs x 3 Done For You

$597 Value

World Class Ad Copy x 3 Done For You

$1,497 Value

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

$5,000 Value

Omnipresence Masterclass

$3,997 Value

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

$1,997 Value

YouTube Ads Script

$297 Value

Hands Off Ads

$297 Value

TikTok Ads

$297 Value

Ad Creation System & Processes

$297 Value

Voice-Over Ads

$297 Value

The 59-Second Ads Framework

$297 Value

A 60 Sec Ad Infomercial Framework

$297 Value

Ads Using The Disruption Hooks

$297 Value

Creating Great Hooks

$297 Value

Total Value: $16,758

Get Started Today For Just...

$997 $69

Note: This is a single one time payment. There are no other hidden fees or charges.

366 Social Media Post Ideas Planned For You

Applicable for any niche, so that all you need to do is to model, copy and fill in the blanks. Never have the thought of “what should I post today?” ever again.

$497 Value

My Social Media Checklist, Process Map & Strategy

Get the same checklists and tools that my team and I use to schedule, streamline and manage my social media calendar 24/7.

$15,000 Value

Trello Boards Done For You

One of the greatest ways to implement and still have your sanity is to have a PROCESS for it.

$10,000 Value

Here’s Everything You Get When You Get Started Today!

1:1 Strategy & Launch Call

$997 Value

Scroll Stopping Designs x3

$597 Value

World Class Ad Copy x3

$1,497 Value

4 Weeks of LIVE Coaching

$5,000 Value

Omnipresence Masterclass

You’ll get 6 Phase Immersive Training with me, walking you through my complete Omnipresence Machine curriculum to build out marketing assets that will fuel your marketing forever, step by step.

$3,997 Value

Templates, Scripts & Checklists

For every class, you’ll get the templates, scripts, and checklists to help you follow along so you can take action and implement.

$1,997 Value

366 Social Media Post Ideas Planned For You

Applicable for any niche, so that all you need to do is to model, copy and fill in the blanks. Never have the thought of “what should I post today?” ever again.

$497 Value

My Social Media Checklist, Process Map & Strategy

Get the same checklists and tools that my team and I use to schedule, streamline and manage my social media calendar 24/7.

$15,000 Value

Trello Boards Done For You

One of the greatest ways to implement and still have your sanity is to have a PROCESS for it.

$10,000 Value

AdsDFY by Peng Joon

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